ESTD. 2004

Special Gifts

AICERTs Attendees

I've put together a small care package with some resources to help you level up your career and leadership in this age of AI

ESTD. 2004

Special Gifts

AICERTs Attendees

I've put together a small care package with some resources to help you level up your career and leadership in this age of AI

ESTD. 2004

Special Gifts

AICERTs Attendees

I've put together a small care package with some resources to help you level up your career and leadership in this age of AI

Let's connect on LinkedIn

Click here

Essence Exercice

Get the instruction slide deck here.


Learn about the inner game what is needed to grow in today's rapidly changing world.

Sign up here.

Apply for private coaching session, gratis.

As a gift to AICert attendees, I am offering a 2 two-hour coaching session.

Apply here.

Let's begin our journey together.

The first step is knowing something is missing and having the courage to take the first step.

  • I feel like without Peter, I wouldn’t be where I am today as a business owner. If you choose to work with Peter, be ready for transformation. The strategies implemented have enabled us to handle market shifts with agility and confidence, resulting in consistent growth.

    Jumoke Dada

  • Every leader is faced with blindspots that limit how much they believe their existing challenges and real barriers can be overcome. Peter's coaching, thought partnership and remarkable Rolodex have been crucial to enable me to overcome those on my path, pushing me ahead on my quest to improve the quality of life across an entire continent.

    Alex Tsado